Title : Gabriel Correa from Venezuela Wins Mister Supranational 2017 Title
Link : Gabriel Correa from Venezuela Wins Mister Supranational 2017 Title
Gabriel Correa from Venezuela Wins Mister Supranational 2017 Title
After two intense weeks of activities and rehearsals in Slovakia and Poland, 34 handsome, stylish with skills and personality hit the stage in Krynica - Zdroj, Poland, aiming to become the second Mister Supranational. It is one of the most entertaining male pageant in the world with the high quality of delegates, the pre-pageant activities and a superb stage.
Venezuela's Gabriel Correa won this year's title of Mister Supranational. The first ever Mister Supranational, Diego Garcy from Mexico, who was present at the event, passed on his title to Correa.
Correa is 28 years old and is a former baseball player. He is currently a model, and an actor and also Mister Venezuela 2015.
The newly crowned Miss Supranational 2017 Jenny Kim from Korea handed over the winner's trophy and sash to Correa. It is interesting to note that Miss Supranational 2017 winner is from Korea and Mister Supranational 2017's last name is Correa.
Spain's Alejandro Cifo was declared as the second place winner while Matheus Song of Brazil finished in third place.
(From L to R) Hector Parga (Mexico), Matheus Song (Brazil), Gabriel Correa (Venezuela), Michal Gajdosech (Slovakia), Alejandro Cifo (Spain) Photo courtesy| mistersupranational.com |
Correa is 28 years old and is a former baseball player. He is currently a model, and an actor and also Mister Venezuela 2015.
Venezuela's Gabriel Correa, Miss Supranational 2017 Jenny Kim of Korea and Spain's Alejandro Cifo Photo courtesy| mistersupranational.com |
Photo courtesy| facebook.com/MisterSupranational |
Completing the top 5 were Michal Gajdosech from Slovakia and Hector Parga from Mexico who placed fourth and fifth, respectively.
Photo courtesy| facebook.com/MisterSupranational |
Photo courtesy| facebook.com/MisterSupranational |
Photo courtesy| facebook.com/MisterSupranational |
The other delegates who made to the top 10 were the following:
Mister Indonesia, Gilbert Pangalila (Vodi fan favorite)
Mister Malta, Justin Axiak
Mister Poland, Jan Dratwicki
Mister India, Altamash Faraz
Mister United States, Cody Ondrick
Meanwhile, delegates from the following countries made it to the top 20:
Photo courtesy| facebook.com/MisterSupranational |
Mister Netherlands, Ferdi Caglayan
Mister Myanmar, Htoo Ant Lwin
Mister Romania, Mihai Pintilie
Mister Japan, Takamori Uekusa
Mister Panama, Alan Valdes
Mister Philippines, Yves Campos
Mister Chile, Bernal Alfonso
Mister Afghanistan, Hamid Noor
Mister Puerto Rico, Alexander Ortiz
Mister Suriname, Arthur Nobrega
Aside from the big winners, other delegates also received special award. The following are the continental misters:
Africa: Tewolde Kiflom from Ethiopia
Americas: Gabriel Correa from Venezuela
Asia: Altamash Faraz from India
Europe: Alejandro Cifo from Europe
Oceania: Bruno Charley from New Caledonia
The winners of Mister Elegance awards were Mister Spain Alejandro Cifo, Mister Venezuela Gabriel Correa and Mister Brazil Matheus Song.
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